Why Lupins are great for you?

Our superfood HERO base ingredient Lupin is a Low GI legume and contain a whopping 40% Protein, 37% Fibre, and just 4% Carbohydrates. Packed full of protein and fibre, Lupins help you feel fuller for longer!
Studies have shown that adding lupin to your diet increases satiety (the feeling of fullness) and lowers the body’s total energy intake throughout the day.
Lupins contain:
- 3 x more protein than whole eggs
- 3 x more protein than quinoa
- 3 x more potassium than bananas
- 3 x more fibre and protein than oats and wait for it…
- 73% more protein than beef steak per gram!

Managing blood sugar levels:

Diabesity is a serious issue and the leading cause of chronic disease in the 21st century. There is substantial clinical evidence that suggests an average serve of 40g of lupin per day can improve many health issues such as obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, bowel and cardiovascular health.
Managing blood sugar levels:

Lupins are one of the highest natural sources of the amino acid arginine which has been implicated in having beneficial effects on endothelial function (improved blood vessel performance).
Great Levels of Bio-Available Iron:

Lupins contain readily absorbed Iron, magnesium, potassium & calcium.
Loves your Guts

Gluten Free:

Being a legume – not a grain, Lupins are completely gluten free.
Australian Grown:

Around 80% of the world’s lupins are grown in Australia. We source our high quality Australian Sweet Lupins direct from Western Australia farmers.

Lupins are perfectly suited to WA’s Mediterranean style climate and production has a minimal carbon foot-print. Growing these non-GMO legumes play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance of agriculture by restoring nitrogen to soils, creating a better environment.